Info for Your Squashgame


Published: 28 Dec 2017 - 02:02 by Carol_Soriano_78

Updated: 28 Dec 2017 - 02:02

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 At the Institute of Biomechanics we are working on carrying out a study focused on analysing footwear used for the practice of squash.

We require the collaboration of people who play squash to complete a short questionnaire, it can be answered in less than 10 minutes and responses are anonymous.

The aim of this survey is to analyse current problems, needs and demands regarding footwear for playing squash.

The survey can be accessed through the following link:

We kindly request your collaboration to forward this email or to facilitate the link to the survey to the members of your organisation.

Please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of this study for further information:

Name: Clara Solves

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Kindest regards,

Carolina Soriano García
R&D Projects

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be sure that now and then i may contact you and Ray as you are my digital mental gurus of squash

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