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Tired, Listless?

Published: 22 Aug 2004 - 18:28 by rippa rit

Updated: 06 Aug 2008 - 08:29

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Rippa Rita`s championship squash tip
Sometimes the yawning and listless vibes coming from players is for various reasons, eg  too tired, worked too hard, trained too much, or maybe even nervous, and did not sleep well.  When high performance players think they are so indestructible it is difficult to get through to them the importance of regular sleep and limited alcohol consumption.

The lesson I learnt was a hard one. Then somebody let the "cat out of the bag" - then one can only walk away in disgust.

Hey, if the coaches' charges do not stick to the guidelines why should the coach sit on the bench trying to "flog a dead horse"?

Besides, making excuses for them, and the onlookers, parents and coaches left wondering what is wrong.
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From rippa rit - 06 Aug 2008 - 08:29

Hey, what was my point?

If you do the right thing you have a better chance of success.

If you do the wrong thing, be honest with yourself, and don't expect the coach or team mates to "dig" you out of a hole.

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