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I Play Squash

Published: 08 Jan 2006 - 23:03 by raystrach

Updated: 10 Jan 2006 - 18:47

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I finally got to play a game of Squash today, but it did nothing but serve to remind me have far I have got to go to achieve my goals. I would like nothing better than to go out over the next few weeks and train my little heart out.

Fitness would be mine.

But my body is so pathetic that soon as I extend myself in training, I end up paying for it with injury. So I must take things very steadily. It has taken me about 20 months so far to get to the stage of being competitive at a reasonable level, but it is my aim to go as far again as I have come already.

Squash Training
10 minutes solo practice (straight drives)
10 minutes Boast/Drop/Drive
1 hour game play

My game was against lower level player but I made up for it by moving froward of the T during rallies in an attempt to force me to pick up the flight of the ball earlier. I hit the ball deep 90% of the time so they could retrieve it more easily - this made for a reasonably demanding game. I was watching the opponent a little better (maybe it was those affirmations, although they did not seem to work for david Palmer on the weekend)

My drill was against a much better player, but I noticed how slow he was moving back to the T during the drill. This made the drill very difficult for him. Boast Drop Drive is a great drill if done properly.

For very little work, I was pretty stuffed.

Morning Walk
At last, it was quite cool this morning which made the walk pleasant for the first time in weeks. A slight soreness in the left knee was my only problem - my sore back yesterday is now recovered - thank goodness.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From missing_poster27 - 10 Jan 2006 - 18:47

I find that I learn so much from playing lower ranked players. I don't have to burn at 100% and I can spend time analysing swings, footwork and head placement of who I am playing in an attempt to pick up small areas for improvement. if they want to hear it I share it with them if they don't that doesn't matter I learn to identify technical flaws which I can use in match play in that I learn to be a sharper observer. Some of my most satisfying wins have been against better players whom I have frustrated by attacking their weakest point like a pitbull after carefully observing them in the warm up and first game. As I have got older I have learnt that smarter is the key. All this helps me as I have worked out that to improve you need to look outside of yourself and sharpen your knowledge by looking at other players both good and developing.

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From drop-shot - 10 Jan 2006 - 03:42

Ok, thanks, I have a clean state :)
And i have to admit I hate to say "NO" to people who want to play with me becasue they saw my practice session and they want to improve or whatever is the reason. WHEN I REALISE that he is much weaker, I play easy but correct shots, and I do not think anybody feels hurt.

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From raystrach - 09 Jan 2006 - 23:13

it really does not matter slavi

as long as he/she gets a run and you get a run, everyone is happy.

the worst possible thing is if you ply flat out (100%) and give a thrashing - it hasn't done you any good or him any good.

what you re doing is absolutely correct. you are using it as an opportunity to practice. many people just goof around  and not get any benefit and usually resent having to play someone weaker

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From drop-shot - 09 Jan 2006 - 20:45

Hey, boss, your fitness can't be that bad if you have 20 minutes of warmup/ practice and then full 60 minutes of match :)

regarding level of players, Ray, you're much more experienced player, so you may answer my question:
Is it nasty or rude from me if I play with much worse player than me and I use him as the training dummy? I mean, we play a match (He thinks it's the match), but I say to myself I will play only backhand drives now and I do it for 10-15 minutes. Then I say I will serve only lob serve and I win 5 points in a row... I think that poor guy did not even realized that it was a training session for me...

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Excuse my sentimental mood,but that´s the way I feel it. Your work makes a sense.

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