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Finding That Winning Feeling

Published: 11 Jan 2006 - 00:27 by raystrach

Updated: 11 Jan 2006 - 00:27

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I am about 9 months into my serious Squash playing comeback, and I am yet to feel that confident winning feeling throughout a whole match. 

Tonite was a good example.

Due to the opposing team not having all their players available, their regular number 4 player was forced to play at number 1 - my regular postion. hilt they are usually a strong team, it is difficult to move up in standard like this and win.

Whilst I knew all this I still found it difficult to play confidently and within myself. as it turns out I had quite an easy win (to about 6 points - it was 4 all in the first) but i did not ever feel comfortable.

It almost seems that I feel better playing better players -  probably because your expectations are not as high.I guess I made quite a few reasonable shots, the main reason I won being, he could not read my short drives.

Morning Walk
THe left knee was sore again but it improved throughout the day. Although a little sore I now have improved flexion probably due to the work I have been doing over the past week or two.

Evening Walk
THe shot walk wasgood in that it loosened me up further

Squash Game
As described above. The left knee did not hinder me in any way and felt qite good after. now that I have well and truly cooled down, it is still good although a little fluid has flowed into the joint. Although I won easily, I have a lot of work to do in reading my opponents game better and moving more confidently. I have aso got to make sure that i do not fall into the trap of going too short, too often, too early.

My match tomorrow night will give a better indication of how I am travalling at presentsquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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