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It's a Miracle!

Published: 15 Jan 2006 - 23:10 by raystrach

Updated: 16 Jan 2006 - 21:47

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This title is somewhat of an exaggeration, but it was nice to wake up in the morning and not have a sore knee  - must have been my recovery day! I actually felt pretty good today, go a little more sleep than I have been getting lately with quite a few late nights.

Morning Walk
A few twinges in the knee, but i was pretty good

Afternoon Squash Practice
There was no one round who could give me a very strong run, but I felt very good today. Really trying hard to concentrate on watching my opponent hitting the ball and me anticipating correctly. I am making reasonably good choices when my opponent is behind me (at the back of the court) but not so good when the opponent is in front. I was  doing this quite well but then, letting myself down by not watching the ball onto my own racket.

The other thing I was trying to practice was to hit a winner or a attacking shot when I had worked my opponent out of position. I tend to want to keep them running instead of putting them away - I think this comes from playing weaker opponents and making sure they get a good run - no more mr nice guy!

I felt pretty confident today even when playing one of my team mates who gave me the best run. this augurs well  for the next couple of months where I expect to make some progress, especially with the improved fitness as a result from my swimming

Evening walk
A good loosener after my 2 hour Squash session - the best  have felt in ages after a hot and sweaty, if not terribly difficult training session.

Light exercises
Some knee strengthening exercisessquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From raystrach - 16 Jan 2006 - 09:01

The life that i am writing about here might be the life of Riley, but once you throw in the other two lives that I lead, it's not all that it's cracked up to be!

Backrub? - I wish.

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From samcb219 - 16 Jan 2006 - 06:46

You have the life of Riley.  Where was the backrub?

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