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In the Swim

Published: 16 Jan 2006 - 23:44 by raystrach

Updated: 16 Jan 2006 - 23:44

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Man increases training regime by 25%. That could be one of the headlines associated with my swimming today. I went from swimming a total of 400 metres (250 freestyle, 150 breaststroke) to 500 mts total (350 freestyle, 150 breaststroke).

As I have said before, I have to be very careful in how I increase my training - small increments are the only way to go.

Hopefully I will be primed for a big match tomorrow night. I am feeling good at the moment.

Morning Walk
To those who think this is easy try taking a 40 kg, 4 legged ball of muscle walking where they do not want to go. - it takes effort!

Morning Swim
As mentioned earlier, the swim was increased - and I felt it too!  It never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to drag 86 kg of flesh and bone down a pool for 50 mts one way then back again.

Light exercise
Another couple of sets of knee exercises - the knee continues to improve.
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