Info for Your Squashgame

Things to look for when choosing a racket


When chosing a racket there are points that are worth serious consideration, eg

  • the age, and standard of play
  • the height and weight of the player
  • the amount of money available for the sport
  • how long the racket is expected to last can depend on how often it is used, as well as how hard the ball is struck.
  • the durability of the racket will also depend on how often the player hits the wall and fractures the frame.

For social players, school children and beginners the choice of squash racket and ball can be chosen to suit the level of skill. Check out the Modified Equipment listed under Accessories for more information for beginners and children.
Check out the Modified Equipment listed under Accessories for more information for beginners and children.
We do not recommend buying a second hand racket especially if you have no knowledge of the range of products. Buy from a reputable sports supplier.
When playing competition there is a standard set by the World Squash Federation. 

Link to an article from the Members Forum.
Link to our Gear Review.

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Changing a grip

Holding the racket

It is not necessary to find a racket with the perfect Grip.  After purchasing the racket it is possible to build up the grip, depending on the size of your hand, and length of your fingers.

This picture shows the correct grip size, notice the small space between the fingers when holding the racket.

Link to Safety "Add/Replace a Grip".

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This is my first post but have read some really wise and impressive advise from other threads.  

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