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Choosing a squash ball


It is important to chose the "right" ball to play with as this can have a big bearing on whether you enjoy your game.  Why?

  • there are about 4 or 5 different squash balls all denoted by the colour of the dot, and that dots means something special about the characteristics of the balls ability to bounce.

The World Squash Federation is responsible for all specifications and technical details. Weather conditions greatly affect the bounce of a ball.

Hereunder is a summary of the various coloured dots, eg

  • Super Slow - Yellow Dot
    • This is the official competition ball.  This ball will cool down very quickly particularly if the playing rallies are short, and the temperature is cold.
  • Slow - White or Green Dot
    • This ball is suitable when it is winter, the players are not very experienced, and do not hit the ball particularly hard.
  • Medium - Red Dot
    • This ball is often used by coaches as it tends to be a "constant temperature" and will not vary in bounce as much as the yellow dot ball.
  • Fast - Blue Dot
    • When new players are beginning to gain confidence, and develop hand eye co-ordination, the blue dot will be more suitable and give more time to strike the ball. 
    • This ball, if used by better players, could be dangerous as it will bounce all around the court, out of control to some extent.

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Modified Balls

Modified Racket & Balls

Modified Balls and Rackets
It may be necessary for children and beginners to start with modified rackets and balls, or Racket Ball rackets and balls until sufficient hand-eye coordination has been developed.

This is specially applies to beginners who have limited hand eye co-ordination and find the small black squash ball just too "dead".

Refer to our Games/Co-ordination Chapter for more information.

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it is worth noting that this very site has excellent description and pics of basic strokes in the squash library section.

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