Co-ed Squash evening
Published: 11 Aug 2006 - 00:03 by emtrike
Updated: 12 Aug 2006 - 08:09
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We are hosting a squash co-ed evening at our local squash club. We have a total of 30 players(males and females). The breakdown is 2 advanced males, 12 intermediate mixed players and 16 mixed beginners. We want everyone to play at 3 games. We have 4 squash courts. We want an advanced, an intermediate and a beginner winner.
Any suggestions on how to set up the games. We have the courts for 3 hours.
Help is appreciated

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From raystrach - 11 Aug 2006 - 08:12
From rippa rit - 11 Aug 2006 - 07:58 - Updated: 12 Aug 2006 - 08:09
- Run a Round Robin - can you get hold of Round Robin Sheets?
- Score Sheets?
- Divide the players into groups according to ability with say 6 or 8 per group, and it is better run in even numbers.
- The 2 advanced players should probably be handicapped and join in the intermediate group.
- If you have an overall set time frame and want to be sure to get through the matches, add up the number of matches to be played (and it is desirable that everyone plays everyone), divide that into the time allocated, eg 3hrs divide by number of matches.
- Instead of going on games won for the criteria, make it aggregate points over the number of matches, each match would be run to a buzzer system and when the buzzer goes that is the points score for each player for that match.
- Then at the end add up each player's points.
- PARS scoring would be the best scoring system for this format.
- Players should be warmed-up when stepping on the court (if time is scarce) so they start immediately the buzzer sounds, no time for hit ups with lots of matches to play.
Let's know how you are going with this organisation stuff?
One more idea too might be to have a winners prize/trophy for each section, plus a "booby" or "encouragement" prize, especially if this is their first competition - in fact think of a reason to give everybody a prize, if you can afford that in the price charged that is!
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although there are a number of ways you could do this, with this combination of courts, players and time, it has to be a time based solution. This is the only way each player will get the required number of opponents an be able to predict with some accuracy, how long it will take.
Lets take the ideal situation:
It is not necessarily easy to organise a group like this when there is a clear difference in grading. If there is a smooth graduation you can just split them up evenly and play 3 identical competitions. This does not seem to be the case here. points to note:
You have graded these players already, but those 2 advanced players present a problem. this is what I would do:
The best way to approach this will be to play time limit squash(above). The winner of each pool can be decided in a number of ways depending on how flexible you are on each player having three games - is it ok for a few people to have more?
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