Squashgame Gold
Published: 10 Jul 2007 - 11:39 by raystrach
Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 12:16
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You have probably noticed by now that we have a special offer for Squashgame Gold now available. This is just a little extra info for those who want some more nitty gritty on how the system works.
Clicking one of the "Buy Now" buttons will take you to our secure processing site (Pay Pal) where you can pay by a variety of ways depending on whether you are a PayPal member or not.
- You do not want to join PayPal, to pay by credit card - just click the continue link on the landing page
- Australian customers will be charged an extra 10% GST - it will show up in the final account
- Once you have joined, and the payment processed, you will be redirected back to the squashgame.info website
- As soon as you have paid, your membership status is upgraded, allowing access to our Gold content
- Payment is made in Australian Dollars - you bank account will be debited the equivalent amount in your currency.
- There is a handy currency converter near the Pay button. - I have found this to be quite accurate when I have made purchases in other currencies, although this does depend on a number of factors including
- rapid changes in exchange rates
- Fees charged by some banks
- Other factors outside the control of Squashgame.info and its providers
- we cannot guarantee that exchange rates will be the same as provided for by the currency converter
Gold Content Access
You should be able to access the Gold content immediately after your payment is processed.
- If you can't access this content (only in the Library at present plus a list of videos in the Gold menu item above), log out and log in again
- If you still cant access the content, contact me immediately
- If you don't happen to come back to the Squashgame site immediately, you should be able to view the new content the next time you log in.
- Each time you log in, your membership status is displayed.
- We will advise you when your membership is due for renewal.
We intend to launch Gold, on September 7 2007. If for any reason this date is not achieved, all those who have already joined will have their renewal date pushed back to reflect the actual launch date
- We will keep Gold members updated when we add content or make changes which will affect them
- As always, we welcome feedback on all that we do and want to provide the best possible service to members.
- We will be providing a special help forum and other tools to provide feedback in a simple way.
Although there is information on what is and will be available in Gold (click here), the service will be driven, to a large extent by the feedback of our members.
- We will be open to requests for videos on specific technical aspects of Squash
- We will be producing video content on a regular basis.
- Members can expect new content every couple of weeks at a minimum
- We will be asking for volunteers from our Gold membership, to trial to self paced training aids later in 07.
- If you have any ideas which you think other members would be interested in don't hesitate to contact me
![squash game squash extras](http://www.squashgame.info/images/info.png)
Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 22 Sep 2007 - 12:16
From drop-shot - 22 Sep 2007 - 07:43 - Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 07:43
two-three times in a row I was trying to set up an answer and all the times my words simply went into nothingness. What's going on?
From rippa rit - 22 Sep 2007 - 07:22 - Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 07:24
dropshot - we were not trying to confuse you, but I mucked up the reply to your post re "pushing" by starting a new thread, so it went from there....the topic listed under "Gold Library Discussion" is now on the previous menu, as that was the appropriate discussion page to your question - I am still learning, to use this forum!
It is a bit of a learning curve for me too.
Ray is probably going to do some screen shots to better explain its functions.
From drop-shot - 21 Sep 2007 - 07:19 - Updated: 22 Sep 2007 - 05:23
From rippa rit - 20 Sep 2007 - 06:58 - Updated: 20 Sep 2007 - 07:23
drop.shot thanks for your encouragement. I concur with Ray. About the footwork, the key elements are satisfied in my opinion, ie
- Controlled swing (not cramped)
- Well balanced on striking the ball (weight transfer)
- Tight, accurate, repetitive and consistent shot (defined as skill)
- Footwork allows for the playing of various shots within a split second (variety).
- Recovery to the T is fluent and immediate (reaching the T before the ball gets to the back wall).
- Cleared the ball.
- Watching/tracking the ball.
What is deceptive too I guess is that his speed of movement means he is well in position and not fully extended when striking the ball. Zac is a lean and lithe, fit young player.
From raystrach - 20 Sep 2007 - 00:04
On the subject of footwork and distance to the wall:
- I don't think this distance is the important one
- It really depends on his approach to the ball and the balance when he strikes it
- I like to see a smooth flow into and out of the shot and the balance when hitting, rather than get too caught up in where things(ie feet) land.
- What, in my view is more important is the shoulder position in relation to the ball
- Everyone has a slightly different way of producing the shot - balance is often the best means of detemining whether or not the distances are correct
- different physical attributes also determine where everthing ends up when striking the ball (height, limb length, strength etc etc)
- Zac Alexander (the player) is Australia's top one or two juniors at present but is not advanced in his physical development
- A stronger player may be able to keep a little further away from the ball, but i don't think the distance would be too significant
also, with respect to posting questions of this nature
- your are quite welcome to post them in the forum as you have done here but,
- if you view the videos in the library you can also click the link Discuss this Topic at the bottom of each section of Library content which has been specially set up for this purpose (i will explain more about this in a separate post in a day or two)
From drop-shot - 19 Sep 2007 - 23:15 - Updated: 19 Sep 2007 - 23:15
Well, well, well ...
I can't find the words to express my appreciation to the golden squashgame. Videos and stuff is simply stunning. Though I need to raise the question on the footwork of the guy hitting backhand drive in the front Backhand Drive from the Front Court (25 May 07) and precisely speaking on the footwork and distance from the ball. Isn't he a bit too close with his feet to the left wall? I hope you understand my question and nobody wants to kill me for that :-)
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dropshot - what reply are you referring to, the one in the Library Discussion? or in the Forum right here?
In the Library Discussion there is a reply button on the righthand side.
If there is any specific problem put in a Squash Geek for Ray to address as he has been getting more features going so it is possible something has gone wrong.
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