Wilson - nCode n120
Published: 23 Jul 2007 - 20:36 by missing_record18
Updated: 06 Sep 2007 - 18:38
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Hello folks,
I'm an intermediate player and I give my racquets a fair bit of abuse. I've owned the following racquets:
1. Bottom of the barrel Dunlop, it served me well;
2. Bottom of the barrel Prince, (sold it because I didn't notice the difference between it and the Dunlop).
3. Wilson Hyperhammer 130. (It broke after 3 years of service).
4. Head Ti 150. A nice racquet, it took me a while to get used to the square handle. My only issue with this racquet was that I found it hard to generate any power from it. (It is also in racquet heaven).
5. Head Flexpoint 130. I played with it five times and won a few games, nevertheless I really didn't like it. I don't know why, so I sold it.
Anyway, I am now racquet less and on the hunt for a new one and you may have gathered that I know very little about racquets and I just go by feel.
I would be grateful for any advice you can give me. I've gone through the archives and it seems to me that the Wilson nCode n120 would be a good choice. I do prefer a heavier racquet, and the achieves suggest that this shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks in advance.

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From missing_record18 - 06 Sep 2007 - 18:38
From hamburglar - 25 Jul 2007 - 05:37
From missing_record18 - 25 Jul 2007 - 05:32
Thanks for the advice Jbs.
I've narrowed it down to the Head 150 Metallix, the Wilson n155 (favouring this one) and the Wilson k145. I've opted for the head heavy racquet, because I've been told that I don't volley that often.
From hamburglar - 24 Jul 2007 - 11:29
I'd say all Head racquets have stiff frames.
Some frames like black knight and dunlop might be considered a littler less stiff. I haven't used them so I can't say for sure.
From missing_record18 - 24 Jul 2007 - 01:33
Hi Jbs,
I think the Head racquets were all head light, I preferred the Wilson and I'm not sure if it was head heavy or not. I volley and drive a lot. I don't know what you mean by soft or stiff frame, sorry.
Thanks for the advice on the heavier frame; I will look for racquets in the 140-160 range.
From hamburglar - 24 Jul 2007 - 01:10
If you don't know, I would go for a slightly heavier frame than the 120. A heavier frame will be more durable and will last you longer. When you get a feel for it, good strings might make a difference as well.
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Thanks for your help Jbs; I opted for the Wilson n155.
I started to practice session driving and volleying and I absolutely hated the racquet. I just felt too heavy and my forearm hurt every time I hit the ball. I gave the racquet a fair bit of abuse and apart from a few paint chips it was fine.
I had a tournament two days ago and because it was my only racquet it was what I used in the six matches I played. This is when I fell in love with the Wilson. My volleys and drives were sweet and on the rare occasion when I miss hit a shot once, it was very forgiving. The issue I had with my forearm when I was practicing was no longer there when I was playing. The strings are the only thing that let the n155 down and I hear that is a common issue with Wilson racquets (I'll be replacing them soon).
So for those of you who want a head heavy racquet and give your racquet abuse I would consider having a look at the n155.
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