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Hot Melt ProV's Aerogel

Published: 28 Jan 2008 - 07:18 by joec0000

Updated: 29 Jan 2008 - 03:18

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Hi there I am new to the site and was looking for some opinions. I have been using the Hot melt pro the past few years and really like the racket. I only have one left and am in  the market for more rackets. I can buy some old stock of hot melt but was considering trying out the aerogel ultimate or the aerogel pro gt.... From the vast expereince out there can anyone give me any tips on my dilemma ?


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From joec0000 - 29 Jan 2008 - 03:18

Thanksfor your make matters even more complicated I have been offered the use of a tecnifibre carboflex 140 '08 model to try out....I havent used a tecnifibre racket before so I dont know much about them and how they would compare to the hot melt pro.....



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From rippa rit - 28 Jan 2008 - 10:19

Don't forget to keep looking at the Relevant Content and Page Tags etc on the column on the top lefthand side.....this might save some duplication of info.

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From Adz - 28 Jan 2008 - 09:17

I'm sure that most Dunlop users would say the same this to you..... The newer racquets are great, but won't last anywhere near as long as the hotmelts do!

I would say that you need to try out whichever racquet you're thinking of getting, as the balance can take a bit of getting used to on some of the newer racquets.



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Thanks very much for such an informative website, it is great to read all the discussions and I have learned a lot from the site in the last 6 or so months. Regards,

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