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Dunlop - M-Fil Pro

Published: 15 May 2007 - 00:15 by Bluehinder

Updated: 16 May 2007 - 01:46

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Best strings and tension for Mfil Pro?

I like the racket but the stock strings are rubbish, solid core monofilament. I'm between Technifiber 225 and Supernick XL.

I play a balanced game, what is the best string tension for this racket?

All opinions welcomed.



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From ferris69 - 16 May 2007 - 01:46

Personally i'd go for tecnifibre 225 (if you don't mind them breaking sooner rather than later) or 305 if you want a bit longer lasting. String the mains at 28 and the cross at 27 and that should be about perfect.

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