Solo Practice
Published: 14 May 2008 - 05:26 by doubleDOT
Updated: 14 May 2008 - 07:27
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There were a few things I wanted to ask about practicing solo
1. Should I hit the ball soft and high on the wall or hard and low?
2. How much should I bend my upper body when playing a shot? I start of square with the side wall, should I end up facing the front wall? (This is actually about playing all shots not just during solo practice)
3. Should I practice a variety of drills or try to perfect one before moving on to the other? For example, Hitting straight drives into the back of the court, hitting alternatively above and below the service line, etc.
3. What percent of time should I devote to solo practice? Should I play more games or practice more (I would rank myself as a D level player).

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From rippa rit - 14 May 2008 - 07:27 - Updated: 14 May 2008 - 07:27
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DoubleDot - Here is the link to our Squash Library/Drills Routines/Solo which will be very helpful.
The Relevant Content tag on the lefthand column will give you links to various other posts, and content in squashgame to read. In fact take a good read through the whole Squash Library for helpful hints.
Good luck with your squash.
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