Key points pay off
Published: 08 Dec 2008 - 20:55 by rippa rit
Updated: 09 Dec 2008 - 07:05
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I've been watching four beginner players and giving them a few clues over several weeks. Next thing they end up in a competition league and things started to get serious. Slowly there has been slight improvement to their games and they are really having good tussles, not so dangerous, getting out of each others way, getting a few more balls down the wall into the corners, serving high and tight, stepping into the return of serve, keeping away from the walls.
Yes, these are little key points that make a huge difference. This week this young lass won her first comp match in five games against an "old lady" who beat her in three some weeks ago, and she was over the moon.

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From rippa rit - 09 Dec 2008 - 07:05
From Adz - 08 Dec 2008 - 23:26
The biggest thing I've found with "improving players" is the lack of understanding about movement and positioning. I normally take beginners through this first and then the shot play becomes easier afterwards (almost like teaching them how to get into position before playing the shot).
But his does have a draw back with complete beginners!
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Adz - the first couple of times this group were too busy just experiencing the playing, hitting and thrashing around, so I just gave the odd hint like, "hey keep away from the ball", "call a let", "stop scratching your backs--- on the wall", "hit and move" then after a while they realised what I was actually saying started to work. Also, by the third week were getting frustrated and wanted to listen more to what I said. Last week I was on the court for 15 minutes with each of them on an adjoining court, each with a different problem, and their game is improving, and more importantly they now understand what those earlier hints were all about.
Of course the best recommendation seems to be to be able to bring them forward to have "wins" against people that thrashed them previously. It is not a paying job just a social casual night out.
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