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iSPORT VIP Membership

Published: 21 Dec 2008 - 09:29 by jimbob1965

Updated: 23 Dec 2008 - 19:07

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I have just received the membership renewal email.  The deal does not appear so good this year for £50 - free pair of 4:SYS shoes again, but no free tickets this time (last year you got 2 premium back wall tickets for the British Open finals).  It mentions priority booking and ticket discounts but not how much these discounts could amount to.  I have enquired about the discounts, but unless these are really attractive, I will probably not renew this year, especially as I have recently purchased some new 4:SYS's!  Anyone else renewing?



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From ferris69 - 23 Dec 2008 - 19:07

I also find sometimes that the tickets thjey offer on a BOGOF aren't great seats and usually side or front wall. I like to get in early with the ticket purchases so i can get a good position on the back wall.

I hope they do another Grand Prix as i too am in the Birmingham area and thought it was a great tournament.

Good point about the shoe prices. When we subscribed last year, £50 was cheaper than you could get the shoes for anywhere so like you say it was a no brainer even if you didn't go to the BO final but now they've come down in price a bit, i don't think it's a great offer anymore.


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From jimbob1965 - 23 Dec 2008 - 08:41

Adz, I was also particularly disappointed about the lack of free tickets.  Last year's deal of £50 for the shoes and 2 tickets was almost a no brainer, assuming you could make the British Open final of course (which being on a Monday was a bit awkward!).  With no tickets and the 4:SYS having been on the market that bit longer meaning they are available quite cheaply nowadays (I only paid £35 on EBay), this year's offer is much less alluring. 

Having had a reply from ISPORT, I can tell you that the ticket offers will be BOGOFs for tournaments they are promoting, which at present includes the British Open in Manchester and Super Series at Queens Club London.  Their website also mentions an English and a British Grand Prix, but apparently no firm plans for these tournaments have yet been formulated.  Pity as I particularly enjoyed the English Grand Prix in 2007 which was also conveniently held on my doorstep in Birmingham. 

The other aspect to this is that for some tournaments, they sometimes end up offering BOGOFs or other special offers to the general market anyway as the tournament sapproach to shift greater ticket volumes if demand is not that high.  The English Grand Prix is a case in point, when I had to complain to get a refund for one of my tickets after they offered a general BOGOF, as I had reserved as soon as tickets went on sale to get good final tickets.

Ferris, like you, I can't remember receiving any other particular benefits, like the 'gifts and offers' they mentioned from sponsors and partners.  The International Squash magazine and annual are always a good read and keepsake though, but not enough to have you reaching for the credit card!



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From Adz - 23 Dec 2008 - 06:23

Hmmm tough one for me.....


I bought some new shoes a week before the offer came through on email. Very disappointed with the lack of tickets this year! One thing I would say is that the offer is open until 28th Feb. So I think I'll be renewing about the 15th of Feb and getting a spare pair of shoes as they'll need changing around the end of March / April time. That's assuming the 4:sys will still be over £50 elsewhere to buy!







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From ferris69 - 22 Dec 2008 - 20:08

No i won't be renewing either.

I've also just bought some of the new shoes so the offer isn't that attractive this time round. Plus, io never received any other benefits like discounted tickets or cheaper merchandise so wasn't very impressed.


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