Hot Melt Custom Pro
Published: 23 Apr 2009 - 22:04 by manas.bhatnagar
Updated: 28 Apr 2009 - 06:03
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Hi all,
I recently purchased a Dunlop Custom Pro racquet (with inter changable grips). The problem is that I am not able to change the grips. When I remove the screw beneath the grip, still the grip does not seem to come off. I am afraid to put extra pressure and pull or twist it as it may break the throat of the racquet.
I need help regarding the changing of grips. If anyone of you have ever come across changing the grips of Custom Pro ar has any idea then do help me out.
Thanking in anticipation.

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From mlongobard - 28 Apr 2009 - 06:03
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I have an elite custom pro. You have to give it a good tug to get the handle off. There's no twisting involved -- you pull it straight down and it slides off.
Your Hot Melt is a pretty old racquet. If the handles have never been changed, it may be more difficult than usual to get the original one off -- it may have bonded over time.
If you like the way the racquet feels, you might just want to be content with it as is. I tried each of the handles once on my elite, decided which one I liked, and haven't changed since. The idea that you would want to change handles regularly really doesn't hold up in practice -- it would just screw up your game. Which is undoubtedly why Dunlop shelved the "custom" concept, despite the fact that the elite at least is actually a nice racquet.
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