Light raquet or heavy
Published: 10 May 2006 - 20:26 by dennyk
Updated: 10 May 2010 - 15:45
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I've decided to try our a new racquet. I've used the dunlop hotmelt pro (135g) but find it to be heavy for my game.I plan to buy either the wilson 110 hyperhammer (a friend has one: great raquet)or a wilson hyperhammer 130.Any one has tips on this?

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From rippa rit - 10 May 2010 - 15:45
From dpiedra - 10 May 2010 - 13:04
Rippa ... can you expand on what you mean by "how slight/big/tall/short you are.."?
I am 6' 4" and weigh about 225 lbs ... I have used racquests between 130 g and 150g. I find that overall the 145-150 g to be good. What I have foubnd is that I tend to overswing with a lighter racquet. I should mention that in either case, I have used racquets that are very similar in shape and weight distribution (favouring head light racquets).
From rippa rit - 11 May 2006 - 07:45
Basically, squash racket is personal, like toothbrush.
As Biz says, try out a demo model, or your mates, would be a good idea as you do not want to buy a lemon.
Things that tend to influence the choice of racket are:
- whether you are skilful and want feel to the racket, eg touch shots.
- how slight/big/tall/short you are..
- if there is a lack of technique a light racket might feel too airy-fairy and give less power.
- if you hit the wall or floor and want durability.
- then, there will be a combination of all of the above.

From BizarreCo - 11 May 2006 - 02:37 - Updated: 11 May 2006 - 02:40
135g is heavy???
Or do you mean that the balance isn't suitable for your game? The Hot Melt Pro (I assume you mean the new Carbon one, as the older ones were 140g), already has a head light feel. The older one's were even balance.
You need to figure out whether the racket is too heavy overall or too heavy to wield the head quickly. If it's the latter then changing to either of the rackets you mentioned above won't change anything at all because those rackets are even more head heavy!!
Based on what you wrote, then it would suggest that the racket is overall too heavy (can you really tell the difference between 130g and 135g!?!?). Try looking at some rackets that fall into the lighter weight category (the 110 hyperhammer from Wilson or the 120 liquid metal from Head for example).
I'd even suggest that you try out the new Dunlop I.C.E. Tour racket (135g - head light) and the very latest Hot Melt Pro Carbon (Its the white one that weights 135g - VERY head light).
Two things to remember in all of this are:
- To get a racket lighter it has to be made with either lighter material or less material. The Dunlops are already made with very light materials (especially the carbon versions), but above anything else they're very strong and not easy to break. I've seen people go through the 110 (and 120) Wilson and Head rackets like they were made of cardboard! One solid knock against the wall is usually enough to do it!
- As far as rackets go, most of the top players in the world use weight varying from 120g (Nick Matthew) to 145 grams (Amr Shabana). Most use 135-140g. If you're a hard hitter (which usually means fast swinger), then you will want something to hit with. The heavier the racket (to the point where speed is not effected) then the more force you can put behind the ball. If you are a touch player, then you will definately want a racket that is either head light of even balanced. A head heavy racket is unwieldly and difficult to control (hence Wilsons range of "Hammer" which were designed for power NOT control!)
I really hope this helps when it comes to choosing a racket, but there's some really simple things that I always do when I have to get one:
- Always try the racket before you buy - If there's no demonstration model to try, then find someone who has one and have a go for at least 10 mins of varied shots (its no good buying a racket that great to drive with but crap to drop with!)
- If more than 3 people have broken one easily, stay away from it! Rackets may be fantastic if you never go near the wall, but if they fold upon contact then it'll cost you a fortune to replace - remember that just because a pro uses one doesn't mean they last forever - they get their rackets for freee and can break as many as they like!
- Sometimes the most important part of the racket isn't the racket itself, it's the strings! Kind of like having a Porche body but a small, low powered diesel engine - Looks great, feels great to sit in but performance is flat and power is poor! Check what strings are being used by other people with the same racket, also what tensions! Check the tensions carefully, if you like a hard stringbed, can the racket take the tension without getting stressed?
- Above everything else, do I like the feel of the racket? If I love it then everything else goes out of the window, if I don't love it, then I'd never use one even if I was given it for free!
Good luck in your search and keep us posted on your choices (some of us might have had / use one!)
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About the racket weight, and really there is only a few grams between a heavy and light racket. Most people would think 145gr to be heavy but for your height and weight it is possibly just about right for you. The amount of velocity that could be generated with your swing with your frame could be huge, comparing it to a 150cm 50kilo player. Once you find the right weight for you, always weigh your rackets when buying them so you keep to the ideal weight/size.
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