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Seeking Kennex Raq.

Published: 10 Aug 2010 - 13:04 by mugsy

Updated: 31 Aug 2010 - 08:54

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Hi peoples,

I have been looking for some time now for a couple of the old Pro Kennex PBT 120g raq. Would anybody know where to start looking or have an old one in reasonable condition they would be willing to part with?

If all else fails... What would be todays equiv in another brand? I currently use a karakal raq of a similar shape... but of course its never the same as your favourite.


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From raystrach - 31 Aug 2010 - 08:50

hi mugsy

have you tried a-mart allsports. they used to stock kennex. even if they don't now, some stores may have some old stock

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From mugsy - 17 Aug 2010 - 22:32

i assume you mean where do i live.

Brisbane, Australia

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From raystrach - 16 Aug 2010 - 11:15

where are you mugsy?

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