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QM - Equipe

Published: 01 May 2006 - 04:23 by vitty

Updated: 01 May 2006 - 20:59

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Well, I don´t think that you know this brand unless you´re living in Europe. QM is a German brand. I want to describe you one of their rackets - QM Equipe.

This is my second racket (my first was some cheap Wilson, I don´t remember name, but it was a horrible one - huge vibrations etc.). QM Equipe is champion of the German Squash Rackets Test of year 2002. I play with it for 2,5 years and I love it. Equipe is made of high-modulus kevlar and that is the cause of following things :

1) Absolutely NO VIBRATIONS !!!
Really, after I´d tried my friend´s newest and most expensive Tecnifibre for 2006, I was shocked how big the difference was. From that  time I look at it with new respect !

2) Equipe is extremly resistant to impacts, bumps and variuos crashes. I don´t play like a maniac, but sometimes you have to introduce the racket to the wall... One friend of mine broke two Pro-Kennexs in two months, in the same place on head. Squash can be expensive, right ? But it isn´t with Equipe :)

3) It is not the cheapest one. In my country belongs to the most expensive rackets, about 140-150 dollars.

Equipe has 145 weight, it´s pretty balanced (370mm), head size 571 cm2.
To conclude, it´s the best racket I´ve ever tried. After breaking this one I will buy another Equipe for sure. If you are looking for new racket and you are hesitating - try this one if you can. You won´t be disappointed !squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From vitty - 01 May 2006 - 20:59

Hi Rita,
I had googled it and the only thing I have found out is that QM is sold in the USA. Nor in my country is QM a well-known brand, it´s sold only in few bigger squashcentres...I don´t know why...

Btw, as I said - when I played with new Tecnifibre, I was surprised how much vibrations it had, compared to Equipe. I thought that this sort of  "pro" rackets doestn´t have ANY vibrations ! What about pro´s rackets - David Palmer´s Head Liquidmetal 140, Jon Power´s Dunlop ICE Tour and so on.. ? Do you think that they are playing with the same models which you can buy in your shop ? Or that the manufacturer give them "something special" ? Adjusted balance, weight...

I know that for example Hermann Maier´s Atomics totally differs from what you can buy in looks same, but that is the only thing. What about squash rackets ?

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From rippa rit - 01 May 2006 - 07:22

Vitty - sounds good - not too heavy either.
There would usually be an equivalent brand sold in other countries, maybe just with a different coat of paint..
Got any ideas?

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