Oliver Xtron 110
Published: 01 Oct 2009 - 21:24 by jordcov
Updated: 02 Oct 2009 - 07:45
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Hey all this is my first post as a new member so go easy if i do something wrong!
Ive been playing around 3 months and am steadily progressing through the ladders.
Basically i'm on the lookout for a new racquet, i've spoken to my club coach who has a few new ones in the office and he's given me a few to try...out of them all i preferred the weight and feel of the Oliver Xtron 110...now ive done various internet searches and the problem appears to be durability. Oh and he's offered it for £60 - is that a good price?
Can anyone advise on the racquet and if this isnt the one for me can they recommend something that feels similar?
I dont mind paying a bit extra either so please feel free to suggest what you will.
I was interested in the Harrow brand (mojo) but i hear this is a bit heavier?!
Anyway thanks for reading!

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From rippa rit - 02 Oct 2009 - 07:45
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jordcov - welcome to squashgame. There has been a lot of discussions on beginner racket, etc which you can access easily by clicking on the tab on the top lefthand column, Relevant Content. One thing is for sure, it will not be your first and last racket!! The walls do creep up on you when you are a beginner and of course you want to hit the ball as much as possible even when it is along the wall.
Good luck.
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