String and tensions
Published: 16 Feb 2010 - 20:48 by ajbutt
Updated: 10 Mar 2010 - 16:54
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Hi Guys,
I hope someone can help. I neew to get my squash racket restrung, my local tennis centre can do it using a Ashaway supernick micro string, is this any good? I have a Slazenger Xcel 150 racket and I have a powerful shot. Can anyone also suggest a recomended tension?
Thank you

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From davpen - 10 Mar 2010 - 16:54
From rippa rit - 22 Feb 2010 - 20:39 - Updated: 22 Feb 2010 - 20:42
So there are many answers to the string problems (see Adz post on this topic), eg stretch, durability, number of holes in the frame, string tension, strings slipping during stringing, type of string, etc - you would hope the calibrated stringing machines that cost a heap of money would be accurate with their result on string tension. However, how constant does that tension stay once the racket is used, ie power, frequency of use, etc.. It is all something for the individual to work out I think taking into account all the variables, very hard to quantify. For mine, strings that keep breaking (providing they do not break because the strings are too tight) are not worth consideration, as there is nothing worse than having to break-in a new restring/racket just when you feel comfortable with it.
From drop-shot - 22 Feb 2010 - 19:49
Enough of this, please, Ferris. So, step-by-step:
"I have a Slazenger Xcel 150 racket and I have a powerful shot."
Where is it pointed he doesn't prefer powerful shot? He HAS a powerful shot
So, my advice for him was to NOT string as high as 28 lbs, as it is recommended for touch players.
He did not mention he needs to work out his technique (touch shots) so why should I bother him with lecture on "try something different..." as I am afraid he would got confused with this. He asked regular question...
One more comment - Most probably AJBUTT played with factory strung racquett so with time and his powerful shots the strings got looser and most probably he feels comfortable with this. Changing for 28 lbs may cause a bit of shock to his game.
Let, again.
From ferris69 - 22 Feb 2010 - 19:39
I don't agree with what you have advised him.
He doesn't prefer a powerful shot, he has a powerful shot so won't need any more power.
From drop-shot - 22 Feb 2010 - 19:35
ferris69 - you don't agree actually but with whom? Read more carefully and you will see what I've adviced to ajbutt - "Generally - if you prefer "powerful shot" squash you should string your weapon looser (definitely not 28 lbs)."
Let, please.
From ferris69 - 22 Feb 2010 - 19:31
I don't agree actually. if you've already got a powerful shot, then you don't need any more power so going for tension of 28lbs will give you extra touch without compromising on much power.
From drop-shot - 19 Feb 2010 - 06:54
Hey there.
Great resource of Stringing-related isues you'll find at under "tips" button (Change Your String to Tweak Your Game).
Generally - if you prefer "powerful shot" squash you should string your weapon looser (definitely not 28 lbs).
I'd recommend Ashaway PowerNick (Ice Blue Color) or PowerNick 18 (Red) as its recommended for power play.
From ferris69 - 17 Feb 2010 - 20:06 - Updated: 17 Feb 2010 - 20:07
Good string but may not last you very long, especially if you hit the ball hard. See if they have the 'non micro' version of the Ashaway or Tecnifibre 305 1.2mm would be good too.
Tension i would say in the region of 28 lbs
From rippa rit - 17 Feb 2010 - 09:30
There is a feature "Relevant Content" (see top lefthand column) and you will probably find some answers to your questions contained in those previous articles.
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Strings and tensions are very much personel preference and what works well in one frame may not in another. However I will give a thumbs up for the Supernick XL micro. I have been using this for a while in a Dunlop Hot Melt Pro (white frame) at 25lbs and it makes for a very nice combination. I haven't had any problem with durability but I am not a hard hitter and the smaller head of the Hot Melt Pro also helps.
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