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Squash Tip No 2 - Rotation of the forearm

Published: 24 Mar 2010 - 15:15 by raystrach

Updated: 27 Jan 2011 - 11:59

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Yes folks, I know you have been stting on the edge of your seats waiting for this tip No 2. If you have not seen tip No 1 take a look here.

Don't forget to make a comment or ask a question if you wish. And please, if you think it is any good,  take the time out to rate this tip on Youtube.

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From rippa rit - 27 Jan 2011 - 11:59

Just looking at this tip aprice brought up and also thinking of the hints on how to chose your racket that I only put up a couple of days ago, made me smile, 'cos I speak of the "sweet spot" when hitting the ball and the good feel that gives; now I am thinking if the wrist is flapping like Raystrach's Tip No.1 explains  how can a "sweet spot" be found or understood.  When coaching I had this question "what would you do if Mum's steering wheel was flapping around like this going down the highway?" - sometimes it would take a while to sink in what I meant, and then I would say "I think you would jump out of the car as it would be out of control!".....true.

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From aprice1985 - 27 Jan 2011 - 07:55

 Just wondering if any more of these video tips will be coming through any time soon and if so can they be grouped into a library for quick access (if they aren't already and I just missed it)

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From mkcarter - 11 May 2010 - 18:13

Best detail I have been able to find on breaking down the individual elements of the swing. Great idea for a series of tips. Looking forward to seeing the how  the shoulders and the rest of the body move. I did pause a second for thought over the meaning of  "throwing the elbow out".

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From raystrach - 10 May 2010 - 09:40

hi hot tuna

thanks for your interest. unfortunately the last few weeks have been extremely hectic with having had to do quite a bit of travel and also some personal/family events which have taken up quite a lot of my time.

the topics for the next few videos have already been planned. look forward to a new video posted in the next week or so.


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From HOT TUNA - 09 May 2010 - 21:56

I am aware of that section, and thanks for the links, just looking for the continuation of this 'series' that Raystrach has started. These newer videos are also of a higher quality and length in comparison just hoping there are more to come. (:

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From rippa rit - 09 May 2010 - 16:19   -   Updated: 09 May 2010 - 16:21

Hot Tuna - these video clip tips are more about the pronation/supination in the swing, and the links below should help you take that a step further into the full swing, eg swing for length shots.

Backhand down wall

Forehand drive to length

There are many more videos listed under the tab "Squashgame Gold" - so you cannot relate these to the Tips?

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From HOT TUNA - 09 May 2010 - 03:58

Video three coming soon? Would be very much like to see the full swing thing in action, if you do venture down to the courts if you demonstrate an exercise or two and hitting full length balls that would be great.


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From mike - 20 Apr 2010 - 15:39

Ray this tip really helped. I went and did 70 minutes solo practice after viewing and I feel like I've pretty quickly unlocked a lot of power on my backhand side as a result. Even better is that the forearm rotation gives me that power with a more controlled swing, so my accuracy has been better too (for now). As Pirelli say power is nothing without control.

Last night I even managed to combined this forearm rotation tip, with Rita's earlier advice to avoid being DIRECTLY under the ball when trying to return a shot high overhead on the backhand and the result was a crisp drive down the wall that I can't remember doing for so long. Cheers.

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From rippa rit - 30 Mar 2010 - 09:29   -   Updated: 30 Mar 2010 - 09:32

Now for all those players who keep making excuses for their technique.  Have you got a kitchen as big as Raystrachs?  If so, that is all you need to practice every day, and the only cost might be a couple of chips out of the furniture!!  Cheap alternative to daily court hire, and it saves heaps of time too.

This is a story that can be attached to our "ghosting" articles.  All technique and footwork requires repetition to grove it into your brain/body/muscles.  Watching these tips will help get it right.  Yes, he will have to go to the courts to do the next tip - thanks Raystrach for your valuable time.


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