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What steps do you follow before purchase?

Published: 25 Jan 2011 - 18:01 by rippa rit

Updated: 25 Jan 2011 - 22:17

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So I'll go first and see if it measures up to others ideas!!! Remember rackets are a personal choice.

1. Decide on the profile which suits you, eg wide body, slimline, teardrop. (I like the slimmer idea as it seems better when moving to retrieve really low shots at the front, and I do not hit the floor while trying to get under the ball).

2. Then what weight is better, eg 120, 130 140 grams, etc,  I'll say mid range at about 135 grams but first of all I would go and have a hit with a racket of that weight (use your scales if necessary and it can be deceiving just by feel).

3. So now I have narrowed down my choise to slimline, 135 grams approx.

4. Balance can be gauged by balancing the racket on your finger, and moving it forward or backwards to see if the head drops or the handle drops.  I do like to feel the head slightly. The composition of the materials used, as well as the methods used in manufacture will have influence on the weight and balance, and feel during the "hit"/swing.

5. The composition of  rackets vary considerably, eg

  • a greater percenetage of graphite will produce a firmer, stiffer frame;
  • a mixture of graphite, titaniunm, copper, tungsten and carbon will produce a more flexible frame;
  • firmer racket frames tend to generate more power (may also be heavier) while more flexible  frames will require you to provide more technique in the stroke to attain more power.  This is an important consideration for new players.
  • The "sweet spot" is the location of the string bed where, when hitting the ball, it feels just right, with no jarring and vibrations.
  • Grommet designs with larger string holes tend to be more aerodynamic.

With this basic understanding, the process of buying should  be norrowed down now more to the individual's needs, eg new player, limited skills, unorthodox grip and swing, etc..

6.String tension and string patterns.

  • a wide string pattern will tend to bite the ball better though this may cause strings to be more fragile and break;
  • with a tight string pattern you will not break as  many strings as often and you can use a lower string tension;
  • a softer multifilament string will "feel" good, though a single core string will be more durable.

How to decide on the string? Do you have a good feel on the ball when hitting? Do you play touch shots?

Summary, so what now?

1. Wristy whippy players choose a lighter racket (will not be so hard on the wrist joint either).

2. Novice players chose a firm racket (firm wrist).

3. Advanced players who like power hitting, choose a heavier firmer racket.

Warning - if you choose the racket used by the Top ten pros it could be the wrong choice for you at this stage of your squash journey.




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From aprice1985 - 25 Jan 2011 - 22:17

 This should be really useful for all the people asking for racquet recommendations for beginners, Having just broken my racquet and picked up a new one I still use this sort of method to pick mine despite having gone through a fair few in my time.  I prefer the teardrop shape on the whole and would also go for the 130ish grams.  I find that too light a racquet is just too hard for me to control.

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