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I need help with picking a squash racket

Published: 01 Nov 2009 - 01:21 by OmriG

Updated: 19 Sep 2013 - 19:23

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I play squash 5 years. Currently I don't have a racket.
I'm willing to spend something  in the area of up to 150$.
I would like the bet to weight 140 grems or less.
I don't care what brand it is, as long it's from the good brands like Wilson, Prince, Head and so..

Can you help me pick a racket?

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From Venu986 - 19 Sep 2013 - 19:23

Choosing the right Squash racket is important to play best shots in the game  ...Recently I bought Racket. It's pretty stylish and feels comfort to me. Just have a look at the branded Squash rackets it will helpful to you.





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From Venu986 - 19 Sep 2013 - 19:09

From Adz - 02 Nov 2009 - 23:03

Hi Omri....


The relevant content help will give you the opinions of people who had used those racquets before, but there are really only two answers to your questions....

1) Are those racquets good - If you can get them for the right level of price then any racquet can be good (for the price!). In terms of good compared to other racquets then it really does depend on what you're comparing them to. The Hot Melt Pro is generally considered to be the best all around racquet available, but it doesn't suit everyone. The Wilsons are an acquired taste but many people consider them fantastic. Finally the more dominant is one of the only prince racquets that I personally like, but as I'm not a fan of Prince then I'm not the best to advise. This brings me onto point 2....

2) How do I know which suits me the most? Only one answer here...... You will only know once you have tried them all! Otherwise you'll just never know for certain. Many times the choice of racquet for one person won't suit someone else. The only way to know for sure is to try for yourself. Look at what feels best for you and go with that. The reviews will give you a good steer on which sounds best, but these are only other people's opinions, and in this choice it's important to make your own decisions based on your own experiences. I've known loads of people who have gone out and bought the latest top-of-the-range models from Dunlop, Prince and Head thinking that as the top-of-the-range they must be the best, but if they don't suit you then it doesn't matter how much you pay or how good a deal you got when you bought.


Good luck in your search....



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From rippa rit - 02 Nov 2009 - 06:24

OK - I put in the search terms and now the Relevant Content has exploded! Still confused?

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From OmriG - 01 Nov 2009 - 22:26   -   Updated: 01 Nov 2009 - 22:34

OK, I did some research, right now I am intrested in buying one of these 3 rackets.

Dunlop Hot Melt Pro
Wilson nCode N120 Squash Racquet

Wilson nBlade Squash Racquet
Prince More Dominant Squash Racquet

I need your help with two things:

1. are those rackets good?

2. How do I know which one of them suits me most?

Thx for the help!

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From rippa rit - 01 Nov 2009 - 09:10

Omri - there is a Relevant Content tab (see the top lefthand column) which has a thorough article written by Adz on this topic.  There have been other posts as well in the Gear Forum if you want to go through the archives.  To get some idea of racket weight, specifications  etc go to the Squash Shop (top righthand corner tab) and you will find all the brands you mention plus more.

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