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HEAD Racquets Banned from PSA?

Published: 20 May 2011 - 11:45 by TRAK74

Updated: 27 May 2011 - 02:02

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This is my theory, in the 5 year deal Dunlop has with the PSA, they made it that HEAD racquets are not allowed to be played with, is this true? Is this why noone in the PSA use HEAD racquets? Because they're Dunlop's biggest competitor, we see Wilson, Prince and all the others, but not HEAD. I still see more HEAD racquets than any other type of racquet anywhere else (Brisbane, Australia).

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From ferris69 - 27 May 2011 - 02:02

What do you mean 'no one plays with Head'?

What about Karim Darwish, Daryl Selby , Mo Iskander - all top 16 in the world????

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From rippa rit - 20 May 2011 - 15:17

I think you will find that PSA would do a deal with squash balls with Dunlop, the popular choice, but nothing to do with rackets.  It is not only the PSA who would do a deal with Dunlop but other Associations throughout the world too.  Even clubs do deals and it is mostly about price and quantity used.

Often the rackets sold has more to do with the agent that is most active in the squash industry. the one who calls regularly, gives good service, and knows a lot about the game, has played with the rackets.  That is definitely the case in Brisbane.

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