tecnifibre carboflx speed or black knight stealth
Published: 25 Mar 2012 - 00:52 by craig138
Updated: 26 Mar 2012 - 15:37
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Hi all
Im new to the forum and fairly new to squash
Im looking to buy my first racket and after a quite a bit of research and borrowing a couple of mates rackets ive narrowed it down to three different rackets i like the look/feel of;
technifibre carboflex speed
black knight stealth
harrow extreme
obviously being new to the game I want something durable and quite forgiving with a big sweet spot, but I dont want to outgrow the racket in 2-3 months time
just wondered if anyone out there has any experience with these rackets or have any other recommendations? my budgets around £50
many thanks

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From rippa rit - 26 Mar 2012 - 15:37
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Yes, I am slack and do not always be on the ball with the Key Words.- but don't give up 'cos eventually I will make it....we do have so much in this forum to read.
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