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Dry Gullies a Problem

Published: 23 Jan 2006 - 12:24 by raystrach

Updated: 24 Jan 2006 - 07:12

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For those who may not be aware, a dry gully is something you don't want to go up - mainly because you will not find any water - which is a problem if you are extremely thirsty.

Over the past few months, I have been up a few dry gullies, ones that seem promising at first, then peter out into nothing. perhaps it is inevitable that this should happen, especially considering that there are so many elements to a Squash game. perhaps it is the only way to take care of many of those threads.

As I have said previously, I have been swinging between a holistic approach and a segmental approach to my game. recently i have been trying to relax, enjoy my Squash and go for my shots. This has worked to the extent that I have been more relaxed and I have been hitting quite a few winners, but in between it has been ugly.

As  mentioned in  yesterday's diary, I am now focussing on a few elements (more segmental). i tried it in a practice game today and, while I was playing a weaker opponent, it certainly helped to deliver a more solid performance. whether this gully turns out to be dry or not is yet to be revealed

Morning and Evening Walks
The usual although I did recite(silently otherwise my wife would kill me) some affirmations

Yes, had a practice game of tennis. Used the time to watch the ball more carefully. this seemed to work when I was focussed as I played reasonably well (for me). even had the topspin working!! Had a short swim as well - was quite stiff - probably from the core crunches the previous day which I have been working up to.

Spent a half hour with some solo practice, mainly drives and volleys. Again concentrated on watching the ball onto my racket - seemed to strike the ball much cleaner - this must have been something I have been failing to do. In my game I tried to stick to my training plan from yesterday. Although my movement was poor, I struck the ball well, got it deep as was my aim, and was sharp on the volleys. I will try to get a little more solo practice in this week.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 24 Jan 2006 - 07:12

Ray - just set the day and the time, and it is a date. 

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From raystrach - 24 Jan 2006 - 00:49

not at all rita

i think i am coming good!

besides, it's about time you gave me some advice I will take notice of.

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From rippa rit - 23 Jan 2006 - 22:05

Ray - one day soon I am going to watch one of your competition games, even if I have to drive 30klms.  Are you nervous now?

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