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After SquashTraining Evaluation Guide

Training can come in various forms, either solo, with a partner in a dual sense, playing a match at practice, and so on.  It could be that each person in a pair situation will have different goals which will compliment the training session, eg One player may practice a drop shot, the other a cross court lob, and then reverse the training.

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Strokes and Technique

When training, focus on a shot or element of technique. Focusing on too many things will decrease the efficacy of training.

Good Bad
I tried hard to keep the squash grip My tennis grip felt comfortable.
I tried to prepare early for my swing I would get to the ball and my racket would not be ready.
I did some solo practice to get the forearm pronation/supination in the swing. My swing was wide and I was pushing at the ball.
The swing was difficult until I got the idea of the open racket face. I kept hitting the tin as the racket face was too flat on contact with the ball.
I kept away from the ball allowing more room to swing. I kept running straight at the ball and felt the swing was cramped.
The ghosting practice at home each day  helped me with my  footwork on court. I felt so awkward on court trying to get my feet in position.
Facing the side wall improved my backhand swing. I had trouble getting my shoulder around and getting the racket back.
My volley improved once I moved into the stroke. Volleys were not working and I was striking the ball too late.
My lobs serves were nice and high. Once I threw the ball up higher, I got more lift in my serve.

What shot did I try to perfect?...................................... .

Was I playing the shot at the right time?....................

How successful was my stroke training? ..............

          Poor  1.... 2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10 Excellent

What do I need to practice again? ...............................

How should I practice this shot?.........................................

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Fitness and Movement

To keep variety in the training, and to prevent becoming stale keep changing the training sessions around.   Boredom could create a lack of motivation in training. The results of this evaluation will assist set training goals.

Fitness & Movement

Good Bad
I moved to the T quickly  I hit the ball and stayed there
I bounced on my toes while waiting for my opponent to strike the ball  I was slow to take off
In between games we only stopped for one minute. We took 5 mins in between games. 
I didn't delay playing by chatting to have a spell  I chatted to get my breath back
I put in a maximum effort.  I gave up when I thought I had lost
How successful was the training

           Poor  1.... 2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10 Excellent

What do I need to do to gain movement..............................

How do I improve this aspect of play?..................................

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Tactics and Decision Making

Tactics is not something that comes naturally to every player. To achieve results it has to be a conscious decision, and over time the decisions will become more automated.


Good Bad
I hit the ball to good length I did not think to keep the ball deep.
I varied my game to keep the opponent guessing. I kept driving the ball cross court.
I chased every ball. I got tired after a few long rallies.
I did not try to out hit my opponent. I belted the ball as hard as I could.
I slowed down the shots to get better control. The ball was going through the middle.
I was patient, and waited for the lose shot to attack. I tried to hit winners in desperation.
I kept my opponent under pressure. I forgot to volley.
I hit the ball to the four corners to make my opponent run as much as possible. I played the back corners only.
I kept my opponent's heart rate high when he tried to take a breather. I went for winners too soon.

How successful was my tactical training

         Poor  1.... 2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10 Excellent

What do I need to practice again?.........................................

How should I practice this tactic?......................................... 

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On court behaviour

This is probably one of the most under rated aspects of the game.  Our mind, and how we think and deal with situations on court can mean the difference between winning and losing. Always incorporate mental training into your plans.  What sort of things let us down?


Good Bad
I felt I could win if I was patient I got anxious when my shots went down.
I kept trying in spite of the bad calls. I lost my cool when the Referee made bad calls.
I took slow deep breaths in between points. I felt out of breath in the first game and started to rush.
I hit the ball to length. I lost concentration when I lost the first game.
My opponent was left handed so I served from the left-hand box. I did not notice my opponent was left handed.

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