Playing SWOT - The Game for Everyone

Swot for fun and fitness:
can enjoy to play.
- Swot is a game that can be played at three levels:
- Mod Swot,
- Mini Swot,
- It is a game played between two people hitting the ball against a wall. It teaches spatial and body awareness, rebounding skills, and motor skills.
- The skills progress through the use of different balls. As the game gets more difficult, the ball will bounce further back into the court and require a little more racket skill and fitness.
- The game is for children, although adults who find some racket sports too difficult, because of:
- Age
- Poor hand/eye coordination.
- Fitness
- Racket skills
- Weight
- Awkwardness
- Agility
- Children and parents will find it easy and enjoyable to play as a family and keep coming back for more.
- The SWOT program enables participant's to choose the rules and equipment, providing a progression at their own pace, leadng to success
- The aim of the game to simply hit the ball one more time than your opponent.
Mini SWOT![]() Mini Swot can be played against a brick wall in the garage, school covered-way, or squash court. Mini Swot Rules
More Pics...Bounce the ball to each otherThrow Bounce & Catch the Ball on the Racket Shake Hands with the Racket and Hit Catch the Ball on the Racket Continually Bounce the Ball on the Racket |
Mod SWOT![]()
Improving your skills with drills![]()
More Pics...Sit the ball on the racket to start offAim for the target Continually hit the ball at the target Forehand Pat Forehand Wall Pats Grip the Racket and Hit Forehand Ghosting movements to groove in the footwork and swing Ball Toss |
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