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SWOT - The Racket Program for Kids

What is Swot? 
  •  It's a simple racket and ball game that can be played against a wall.
  •  It develops kids racket skills for squash, tennis, racket ball, badminton, table tennis.
  • It helps develop hand-eye co-ordination for hockey, softball, baseball, cricket, volleyball.
What do you need to play Swot:
  • Bat or Racket
  • Ball 
  • Wall
Swot is a game that is adaptable.
  • You can use any bat and any ball.
  • Your level of hand-eye co-ordination will determine which ball is the most suitable for you.
  • The use of a range of balls allows self-paced progression.
  • Play it at any level - it's challenging for everyone.
  • Play it at home, at school, or any where there is a wall and floor. 

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Roll the Ball

Use the legs as a barrier.

Use the wall.

Roll the ball with your hands or using a bat.

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Taking aim

From these activities children learn to turn side on when taking aim, and put their shoulder to the target.

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Bounce the Ball

Bounce the ball and block it.

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Kick the Ball

Kick the ball onto a wall or to a partner.

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Catch the Ball

Catch the ball
Catch the ball with your hand, or catch it with a glove, or a bat/racket.

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Hit the Ball

Hit the ball

Use your hand.

Use some rolled up newspaper to make a stick to hit the ball.

Use a bat/racket.

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Hit the ball

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This is my first post but have read some really wise and impressive advise from other threads.  

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