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Returning 1 to 26 of 26 records.


By rippa rit 18:34 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Further attempts to hit the ball
By rippa rit 18:15 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Players being hit by the ball
By rippa rit 18:14 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Distractions - Winning Return
By rippa rit 18:58 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Turning - Rule 9
By rippa rit 18:18 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Injury on court
By rippa rit 18:13 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Turning - interference
By rippa rit 18:07 - 25 Aug, 2004
0 Replies
Interference - Rule 12 Definition
By rippa rit 18:05 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Making Every Effort
By rippa rit 18:03 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Jumping the ball
By rippa rit 18:01 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Equipment change
By rippa rit 18:00 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Wasting Time
By rippa rit 18:25 - 13 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
The Ball
By rippa rit 18:59 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Rule 12 - Interference - Line of reasoning
By rippa rit 18:23 - 21 Aug, 2004
0 Replies
By rippa rit 18:42 - 13 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Created Interference - Rule 12
By rippa rit 18:08 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Make every effort - Rule 12
By rippa rit 18:06 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Delaying returning the ball
By rippa rit 18:33 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
By rippa rit 18:24 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Illness on court
By rippa rit 18:23 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Attempts to hit the ball
By rippa rit 18:20 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Freedom of stroke - Excessive backswing
By rippa rit 18:19 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Freedom of Stroke - Excessive follow through
By rippa rit 18:17 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
By rippa rit 18:10 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Unnecessary physical contact
By rippa rit 18:09 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies
Fear of being hit
By rippa rit 18:07 - 14 Jul, 2004
0 Replies

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Very nice perceptions, even though I just play for fun,

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