Published: 14 Jul 2004 - 18:10 by rippa rit
Updated: 14 Jul 2004 - 18:10
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The non-striker may appeal against:-
1. Ball hits article on the floor of the court.
2. Distractions on or off the court.
3. Change in court conditions which affect the rally.
Appeals are necessary to get a let for:-
1. Striker refrains from hitting the ball due to fear of hitting opponent (good return must be possible).
2. Receiver not ready, and no attempt made to hit the ball.
3. Distractions on or off the court (a good return must be possible)
4. Players disagree with Marker and Referee is unsure.
Referee decides without any appeal or players can appeal:-
1. Ball hits article on the floor of the court.
2. Change in court conditions that affect the rally.
3. Ball breaks.
4. Ball lodges in any part of the playing surface preventing it from bouncing.
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1. Ball hits article on the floor of the court.
2. Distractions on or off the court.
3. Change in court conditions which affect the rally.
Appeals are necessary to get a let for:-
1. Striker refrains from hitting the ball due to fear of hitting opponent (good return must be possible).
2. Receiver not ready, and no attempt made to hit the ball.
3. Distractions on or off the court (a good return must be possible)
4. Players disagree with Marker and Referee is unsure.
Referee decides without any appeal or players can appeal:-
1. Ball hits article on the floor of the court.
2. Change in court conditions that affect the rally.
3. Ball breaks.
4. Ball lodges in any part of the playing surface preventing it from bouncing.

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