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Inner Sole with small build up under the arch of left foot

Inner Sole with small build up under the arch of left foot

Published: 28 Jan 2006 - 08:30 by rippa rit

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:20

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I wanted to add this photo to Slavi's post about his sore feet but could not manage to do that as a "reply to post" so here is a new post which I hope fills in the gaps to the story.
Well I got one picture to appear (but I could not submit two as one kept getting deleted) and that showed the side on view of the thickness of the shoe. Anyway the sole is about 3mm thick in the area from the toes to the arch, and then gradually builds up into a bit of arch support too.

  • On the left foot you will see I have circled a spot, about the size of a coin, and it is only slightly raised, which is what takes the pressure off the ball of the foot. 
  • Incidentally it is my left foot that seemed to do the pivotting, and take off, and recovery load.
  • The innersole is quite flexible in the area between the arch and the toes.

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From drop-shot - 28 Jan 2006 - 16:43

Thanks Rita, I get the point already. Thanks for the previous opinions and hints. I am going to follow them when I finish my relocation (painful process).

For now I did change the shoes for Hi tec elite 500 becasue they have additional rubber guard of the sesamoid bones area. Yesterday I put them on for the first time, the feeling during match was good. The innersoles from the previous are already in the experts hands and they will prepare another set of insoles...

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