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Legs heavy?

Skipping will increase speed

Skipping will increase speed

Published: 24 Jul 2004 - 18:58 by rippa rit

Updated: 14 Aug 2007 - 15:24

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What a feeling, when nothing wants to move.  At the beginning of a match it may be nerves, and that can  bring a feeling of being uncoordinated and lacking in energy. It could have been the pre-game meal was unsuitable to carry around the court.  These and other factors influence your performance.

Ways to help understand these feelings are:-
    • To get motivated - increase the heart rate by running, skipping, etc. before going on the court.
    • To get the muscles ready for the match - spend extra time on the warmup and stretching exercises, particularly if the previous match was tiring.
    • The choice of food, and the time the food was eaten, before play, can cause a lethargic feeling.
    • Towards the end of a match the muscles may be just plain tied, which shows you have put in a 100% effort.
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From drop-shot - 18 May 2005 - 18:36

Hello there,
What a feeling, when nothing wants to move... Well, I do not know this feeling anymore. Thanks to skipping rope, spinning on bike, jogging in intervales. The only reason to loose the game is my technical and tactical preparation to not mention the mental one, but conditionally I can take 70 minutes match. Actually, three weeks ago I did it. One of the group matches was 71 minutes and we screwed up a bit the planned schedule of matches. But the rallies were really long and in Europe we do not play PAR system (every rally is a point). So, it takes a long time, especially when you are equal players :)
But coming back to your Tip, Rita: I see too much players going to the court right after changing theit clothes. Such a fool you have to be to not have at least 15 minutes of basic stretching, skipping a rope. But I do not say a word to them, they are (seem to be) mature people. So I assume they know what they do.

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