Prince - More Game Racket
Published: 09 Mar 2006 - 06:13 by aprice1985
Updated: 15 Aug 2006 - 23:41
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I have been using this Prince More Game raquet for a couple of years now and am comparing it to the Wilson 165g HyperHammer i used before. The Prince model is lighter at 143g unstrung i believe and has an unusual head shape. I find it gives less power on the ball than the Wilson, i have to put more effort in to get power out, however on all power shots i find it is more accurate and lets me keep the ball closer to where i want it. I think it gives much nicer drops shots and i find boasting a lot easier with it although i don't know quite why. The raquet is quite head heavy which i personally like as i find it gives momentum and a bit of security with your shots. I feel this is not an easy raquet to use however once you have the skills and have adjusted to it, which doesn't take too long, it gives really good results in terms of all round accuracy.
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From opetrescu - 15 Aug 2006 - 23:41
From rippa rit - 12 Mar 2006 - 17:40
aprice - just a comment - they say if you play twice a week, the racket should be restrung twice a year.
I used to practice with this stingy guy once who would get cranky, and he would just bash the racket on the wall, and as he was about to swing I would say "hey, give the racket to me, don't break it".
Finally, he used to play with a hire racket, as he was that "tight", and then it was cheaper for him to smash it.
He played so much (every day) he got tennis elbow, and then changed to left handed for all except top class players.
I used to practice with this stingy guy once who would get cranky, and he would just bash the racket on the wall, and as he was about to swing I would say "hey, give the racket to me, don't break it".
Finally, he used to play with a hire racket, as he was that "tight", and then it was cheaper for him to smash it.
He played so much (every day) he got tennis elbow, and then changed to left handed for all except top class players.
From aprice1985 - 12 Mar 2006 - 09:19
I don't hit so hard!! I dont go into the walls too much either, i tend just to miss entirely and if a ball is tight to the wall i try to hit softer and higher if i can. I does seem to be a durable raquet cause it has been it hard once or twice but it feels great as i was using my old one for a couple of moinths till i got the money to restrring the good one! Oh and i never throw my raquet or hit it off walls when i am pissed off, some people seem to love doing this!
From raystrach - 12 Mar 2006 - 00:39
i just realised arthur,
you said you have had this racket for a couple of years now - a racket is flat out lasting a couple of months for me!!
you said you have had this racket for a couple of years now - a racket is flat out lasting a couple of months for me!!
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I got this racquet at the beggining of 2006 and before that I had the Dunlop Hot Melt Something Something (the one with three different handles) but only for about 2 weeks before I returned it since the wall glider broke.
What do I like about the Prince: I FELT A DIFFERENCE in control and my drop shots improved as soon as I changed racquets. Since the racquet is lighter it also gives me a little more accuracy on power shots. Boasting is kind of the same. The wall glider seems much more solid and the racquet is quite sexy.
What do I not like about the Prince More Game: it feels like it doesn't generate nearly as much power as the Hot Melt. Maybe that's because the other one is a beast in the power department. Fortunately for me I need to improve mostly in my control. My power doesn't really need to be improved (right now at least). So this weakness is kind of complementary to my abilities. Oh and the case could be better ;-)
Why I changed: at first I though the Hot Melt would be cool due to the three handles but quickly I realized that personally, I am too lazy and too excited to get playing. Changing handles is not EASY (it's not hard either) but it is tedious when you just wanna "bring down the thunder" if you know what I mean. By the way if you are weak, try the Hot Melt cuz the ball flies off that thing like it'll kill somebody.
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