Tennis elbow?
Published: 25 Jul 2006 - 01:40 by reraw
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:40
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I have been playing squash for about a year now and still love it!! But regularly get a dull annoying ache in my right elbow (tennis elbow i presume) after matches. do try to put a lot of power into my shots which, judging by the speed of the ball doesn't seem to transfer to it successfully. Am i doomed or is it just a symptom of poor technique.

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From rippa rit - 25 Jul 2006 - 07:51 - Updated: 25 Jul 2006 - 07:55
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A wrist like this can cause elbow problems
Remember the simple saying I got from a Sports Medicine talk "repeated trauma causes osteoarthritis". So take the soreness seriously.
Icing (wrap the ice in a wet cloth) after you play might help any tissue damage or swelling in the joint. A Sports Physio usually gives stretches and exercises to assist your forearm muscles/tendons.
I have just looked at the Forum Archives and there is an article which can have significance to elbow pain as well.
About the technique - yes that is very relevant. Look at a few things, eg
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