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london squash shops

Published: 22 Dec 2006 - 03:35 by mangina

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:42

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Hi everybody, I'm in London over the holidays and am hoping to buy some Adidas Stabil 5's.  I was wondering if anybody could dteer me in the right direction.  Thanks!

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From BizarreCo - 22 Dec 2006 - 20:34

I'd never buy them from a shop personally as you end up paying extra for the overheads! (lighting, heating etc). I guess you could try looking in an Adidas shop. There must be one in London because there's one in Birmingham. Otherwise look up online. I'm sure they have a few shops in the UK as well as the website.


On thing I have to add - Stabil 5s? Do you still think you'll find them in a shop seeing as they've been obsolete for almost 9 months now and replaced by the Stabil 6s. You can usually pick up Stabil Courts in Decathlon stores. There's one of them in London on Surrey Quays road ( I'd try there first as you can try on the shoes and they usually have a treadmill near-by to try running in them. That's where I bought my Hi-Tec Switchbackz from (£28 - Bargain!). They also usually keep a good range of Asics shoes.


Let us know how you get on!



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