Experience, and more experience....
Published: 16 Feb 2007 - 07:14 by rippa rit
Updated: 16 Feb 2007 - 07:14
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Laura Hill speaks to squashsite.
" "It doesn't help if you only play on a glass court once in a blue moon, I could have done with a knock on there yesterday, but it's the same for both of us.
"I wasn't nervous, I don't do nervous. Working and playing works for me, there's less pressure on me when I play, it's not my life. It's nice to be able to give some of these girls a hard game, it's just a pity I can't beat them.
"Next year ..."
If it is any consulation, no matter how good, the best you can do can always seem that it could have been better - so true.
Our game is so good as it really tests the whole body and brain. Woww!! it goes on, the ball, the courts, the opponent, the climate, the shots, the head,
and much more ..........you can never have too much experience.
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" "It doesn't help if you only play on a glass court once in a blue moon, I could have done with a knock on there yesterday, but it's the same for both of us.
"I wasn't nervous, I don't do nervous. Working and playing works for me, there's less pressure on me when I play, it's not my life. It's nice to be able to give some of these girls a hard game, it's just a pity I can't beat them.
"Next year ..."
If it is any consulation, no matter how good, the best you can do can always seem that it could have been better - so true.
Our game is so good as it really tests the whole body and brain. Woww!! it goes on, the ball, the courts, the opponent, the climate, the shots, the head,
and much more ..........you can never have too much experience.

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