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Split his pants!

Published: 09 Oct 2004 - 23:54 by rippa rit

Updated: 17 Dec 2009 - 07:38

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Rippa Rita`s championship squash tip
Memories - The mind boggles when you recount a match where the male opponent started the match in a pair of shorts but, after reaching for a dropshot, stood dumb-founded in what resembled a skirt.

The other strange part, and I was not laughing at the time, was my opponent won the match in spite of the fact it took him about half-hour to find another pair of shorts.
How did I feel, and what was going through my head?
  • I was absolutely frustrated, as all the things I had been struggling to accomplish had just been swept away, I thought.
    • He now was able to get a second wind.
    • My mind did a "wobbly" since I had lost the first game and was trying to "soften" him up by moving and twisting him around the court.
    • At 1 game down, and half way through the second game, it sure was not the time for me to give my opponent this kind of break.
    • Basically my whole strategy was wrecked.
    • When play resumed, I was in no frame of mind to continue the match.
    • To start the match again was about my only other way of getting back into it, where I had more time on the court to settle down.
  • If the Referee had allowed the 90 second break, as stated in the rules, the outcome would have been reversed immediately, or, maybe he could have continued the match in his shorts with no fork!
  • TIP: It pays to always have a spare set of playing gear in the squash bag; and, don't wear tight pants!
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From rippa rit - 17 Dec 2009 - 07:37   -   Updated: 17 Dec 2009 - 07:38

Yeah this break rule can be abused if the Ref is not strong.  I reffed a match between Chris Robertson, who was an junior up and coming at the time, and Ross Thorne who was struggling to keep form after retirement from the world circuit.  Instead of the "split the pants" caper it was the "out of breath" caper and shoes that were slippery, and more bothersome at 8 all in the fifth game!.  So Ross goes off to find another pair of shoes and took about 5 minutes at least before coming back on thing about Ross he was always so polite, and could get away with anything!!

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From mike - 16 Dec 2009 - 23:58

I mistakenly gave someone 3 minutes to change ripped shorts when refereeing once. Lucky they only needed about 45 seconds and were back on court very quickly.

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From rippa rit - 14 Feb 2005 - 21:55

You can play with ripped shorts, but this guys pants had turned into a skirt with all stitching busted,except for the waist band. It was actually a male v female encounter, so he was obviously embarrassed too - his undies etc would not have been a pretty site!!!

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From aprice1985 - 14 Feb 2005 - 07:21

Are you not allowed to play with ripped shorts or how about just in your boxers if you're male they are after all boxer SHORTS

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