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Short video clip Golan v Lincou, French Open

Published: 27 Sep 2008 - 08:38 by rippa rit

Updated: 06 Oct 2008 - 20:51

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Just a short video clip of a few points of the French Open.  My overall comments are:

  • The players seemed very tired as it was at the end of the match, which could have had a bearing on the number of lets called.
  • Frustrated with each other especially when tired, and the to replay so many let's.
  • Wasting time bouncing the ball.
  • The continual drives did not open up the court; but, on the other hand as soon as the front of the court was exploited the players (drops played from mid court) both had trouble clearing the ball, or the shot was not good enough and/or done at the wrong time.  Question, why was the boast not used to take the player forward and open up the court more, dunno!

Sometimes there seems merit in scrubbing "lets" as this type of play just wrecks a good match.

The video angle gives a good view of the forehand and backhand drive preparation/swing down the line.

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From rippa rit - 06 Oct 2008 - 20:51

mike - "The boast seems to get much less use at the top level."

I have a problem with that too - and often a drop follows a boast, and nobody likes chasing up rhe front, as well and having to play the shot at the correct time, against fast opponents, the possibility of a let happening, dislike of the twisting and turning.  I think our players have foregone skill, accuracy and tactics for speed and strength. 

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From mike - 27 Sep 2008 - 19:40

Yeah, maybe after 6 or so lets in only a few points both players should be given a point and a 60 second break to flush out the system. Continual lets are no better to watch than false starts in a running event.

The boast seems to get much less use at the top level.

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