Tecnifibre - Multipower Squash String
Published: 16 Aug 2007 - 23:26 by yaehbhi
Updated: 17 Aug 2007 - 17:59
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Hi there,
I am wondering if anyone has used Technifibre Multipower Squash String and what has been their experience with performance and durability.
I'm thinking about stringing Wilson ncode n120 and n145 with it.
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I am wondering if anyone has used Technifibre Multipower Squash String and what has been their experience with performance and durability.
I'm thinking about stringing Wilson ncode n120 and n145 with it.

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From Adz - 17 Aug 2007 - 17:59
From yaehbhi - 17 Aug 2007 - 09:20 - Updated: 17 Aug 2007 - 09:21
Thanks jbs24, this helps me clear my mind! I was originally looking to get 305 but the price knocked me out a bit. cheers, Junaid
From hamburglar - 17 Aug 2007 - 00:40
It's junk, very bouncy, even moreso than Ashaway supernick. You might as well spend a few dollars more and get the 305. Durability is about the same as the 305. Make sure you prestretch, that will help the string maintain its tension longer.
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Just to add to the interest here, there's a seller on ebay.co.uk who sells a reel of 305 (in either a 1.2 or a 1.3 guage) for £59.99. Now that is VERY cheap for the UK, but I'm not sure how it compares to other countries.
If anyone can buy the stuff cheaper, or knows where I can get a reel of Ashaway Powernick 18 for about the same price then please let me know!
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