Protective Eyewear
Published: 14 Dec 2004 - 18:27 by rippa rit
Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:37
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- recommends the use of protective eyewear, but not everyone wears it.
- Do you wear it or not?
- What do you think about wearing protective eyewear?
- Tell us your story.

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From raystrach - 17 Nov 2005 - 08:11
From aprice1985 - 17 Nov 2005 - 00:35
From drop-shot - 25 Jan 2005 - 06:34
Ha. Just kidding.
From rippa rit - 23 Jan 2005 - 09:15
Sorry I was so slack and should have taken more care with my reply - later I thought, I spelt that wrongly. So here it is If you go to the site there is a picture of the Aust Squash Team with their visors, so that is what I think you should consider seriously. Yes, all extra gear like spectacles, head bands, etc. are a nuisance, but necessary accessories for our sport.
From drop-shot - 23 Jan 2005 - 03:04
I was planning to buy eye protectors, but unfortunately I could not find any. Finally I found Prince Rage (It is not meant advertising ha-ha) ... I even played with them on my nose. I feel awkward a bit, but as I said - I do not give a **** how do I feel (sexy or not), I wanna be safe. Thanks for recommendations of IMEX type. Do you mean iMask?
From rippa rit - 22 Jan 2005 - 09:18
I like your attitude to the game. Yesterday I was speaking with our National CEO who confirmed the need for eyewear after telling me this story. Recently,in a first class doubles match, one of our Aussie players got a split and several stitches under the eyebrow, which is so close to the eye. This was caused by the opponent's racket, and eye wear was worn but not the full cover type. So I now recommend you consider full protection (IMEX type)to save the nose and teeth as well.
From drop-shot - 21 Jan 2005 - 06:12
Please take my advice. Wear it, however stupid you think you look wearing the eyes protection. Today it happened to me! My coach - proffesional player, hit me in my right eye. Thanks god, my reflex is good and he hit only soft boast. Anyway, the tear rain has flood the court for a second, my coach was so sorry and confused... Immediately he brought a clean towel with an ice in it. After allm nothing serious really happened, but I am not going to enter the court without eye protectors. Even playing with Thierry Lincou. Well, we learn on our own mistakes and errors. Greetings to everybody
From raystrach - 29 Dec 2004 - 09:42
as promised here are a number of links that might be of interest:
- General info about Squash injuries including eye injuries
- A excellent Squashtalk article by an eye specialist.
- Q & A on sports eye injuries.
- Interesting article on Squash eyewear University study, results
- The actual Monash University study.
- The USSRA provides plenty of info here.
- More info on selecting protective eyewear.
- A complete well researched artice from Squash Magazine.
- An excellent medical article about sports eye injuries
These articles should keep those interested in the protective eyewear issue, well informed. It should be compulsory reading for all Squash players.
From drop-shot - 21 Dec 2004 - 02:36
You are definitely far from being a killjoy, and I truly understand your concerns. I just wrote to wear the Hockey Helmet sometimes... But I trulyhave to consider using Eye protection. Safety won't hurt at all, you know. And I will appreciate if you can provide me with some good and reliable ones. Take care, I am out to court.
From raystrach - 20 Dec 2004 - 23:32
Hate to be a killjoy, but the evidence shows that expertise is not a big factor in eye injuries. I have seen very good players get hit in the most unusual circumstances. A young pro who was training with the Australian Institute of Sport, hit himself in the eye when retrieving a ball off the back wall.
I had played him the previous week in a tournament and was astounded to hear he was in hospital. The father of a top junior who was in a team I was managing, got hit in the eye during a hit up with his daughter. He spent two days in hospital.
I have worn eyewear since 1995 and feel naked if i ever go on court without it. You can get some good stuff these days and it is not all that expensive. As little as $Au20 with antifog polycarbonate lenses.
I will track down a few links over the next few days and post them.
From drop-shot - 15 Dec 2004 - 06:01
Well, I have to admit I do not wear any protective eyewear as mostly I play with my coach and he is very experiienced and carefull player. But I have to tell you that few times I was thinking about wearing Hockey Helmet on my heads to protect myself when I play agains my colleagues. Last accident I had in October, when I was hit the racquet in my chin(check out the meaning of extensive swing). The whole story is sewed with for stitches. Thanks god it was ONLY the chin, not the eye or anything else. So, my advice to the others, when you do not play with proffessional, do wear protections.
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Imax is quite good with spectacles
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