Wilson - Help me! Wilson or Prince
Published: 25 Nov 2007 - 04:21 by laneo10
Updated: 05 Dec 2007 - 02:33
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From Adz - 05 Dec 2007 - 02:33
From missing_record11 - 05 Dec 2007 - 01:37
I first bought O3 Tour and played for a year and accustomed with it. Last year one of my friend has bought me n120 for a birthday gift and so my little journey with ncode has started. I played with Wilson n120 for a while and I have realized that head control was getting worse when I tried to make forceful shots. As I am a huge guy, I like to play with forceful shots so I have returned back to my O3 Tour. I had suffered from tennis elbow, so believe me vibration is a very big issue for me and I can say that both racquets has minimum vibration issue. Overall, in my opinion, Prince is better then Wilson.
Kind regards,
From drop-shot - 25 Nov 2007 - 08:26
It all depends on your personal preferences towards the game. Wilson and Prince are totally different rackets (regardless the specific model), but in general:
Prince racketts are well known for their delicate framing;
The best Wilson model I have ever played wuth is n120.
I've checked nTour and n130 before, I had some experiences with Hammers etc.
The best way is to check them in action and decide what suits you better... And then change the strings immediately :-)
From rippa rit - 25 Nov 2007 - 08:21 - Updated: 25 Nov 2007 - 08:25
A search WILSON brought up 73 replies.
A search PRINCE brought up 70 replies, and no doubt some of them would be the same as above, but that is not bad reading...........so is not that enough info?
After reading them and you are still in doubt then add to one of those specific posts a few questions is a good idea....sorry to be such a pain, but we do like to keep the topics in tact for easy access.
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Which is better...... hot weather or cold weather?
I guess it depends on whether or not you're a basking lizard or a polar bear. Trust me..... there's a point to this! The new range of prince racquets and the new range of wilson racquets have similar price points (maybe the top the range princes are a bit more expensive, but you might be paying a bit more for the name). For argument, let's just say that they're a similar price. 2 racquets may even be a similar weight (give or take 5 grams). They may even have the same headsize (give or take a few cm sqrd). The similarities often stop there. The one thing a racquet manufacturer cannot do is to sell you feelings in a racquet. Everyone has different wants and needs out of their racquet. You may like head-light designs. You may like head-heavy designs. You may like even balance?!? One thing for sure is that every racquet model has a slightly different feel to another, and until you find which feel is correct for you, it is pointless asking anyone else which racquet is best for you.
BUT there are some other factors to take into account. Some racquets (especially the lighter ones) are notorious for breaking at even the slightest hit against the wall. Do you hit the wall often? If so, how hard? Do you like a heavier racquet or prefer a lighter one. Do you like a squarer grip or a rounder one? Do you like marmite? Just kidding on the last one.......
Seriously though, the only advice anyone can give you is to try out BOTH brands and see which one feels best for you. Some people will swear by prince. Others by wilson. Others won't touch anything unless it's a dunlop. Some love head (racquets that is!!). Look at the best players in the world - Who uses what? Nicol (peter and David) both world champs and both used prince. Shabana and Power - Both no.1s and both Dunlop users. Wait a sec..... Ashour and Palmer both use Head. Ricketts uses Wilson..... ARGH!!! TOO MANY CHOICES!!!!!
Get out on the court and beg, borrow and steal every type of racquet you can to try and find out what attributes you find have the best feel. Once you have them, either give us a list (and we can try to match them to models for you), or buy the best feeling racquet within your budget.
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