Black knight Quicksilver NXS anyone tried?
Published: 17 Mar 2007 - 11:45 by kirbster123
Updated: 08 Nov 2007 - 07:34
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Hey,i am about to buy a Black Knight Quicksilver NXS, and what do you guys think of it? Powerful? More Control?
Also, if its a good frame,what should i put on it (grips, strings) to customize it?
Also, whats a good prince for it and in what currency? Thanks.

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From VolleyDrop - 08 Nov 2007 - 06:41
From kirbster123 - 17 Mar 2007 - 11:56
Also, should i get a Gray's Powerflow elite instead and why? Thanks.
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I know this is an older post and my comments won't likely be helpful to the original poster, but I just bought one and it is, hands down, the best racquet I've ever played! Quick for volleying, nimble in the corners, firm enough for accurate and delicate drop shots, and (this surprised me very much) extremely powerful. I found myself having to adjust my drives because I was overhitting them. I think the power is a combination of: smaller grip size, 18 gauge PowerNick 18, and the perfect weight and balance for my strength and swing. Very, very good racquet. I will be playing it for years to come!
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