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squash advice

Published: 18 Dec 2007 - 07:17 by slagiatt

Updated: 21 Dec 2007 - 02:03

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My names Margaret, and I'm an entrepreneur investigating developing a new line of squash equipment and apparel and could really use your input.  I've put together a short (10 question) multiple choice survey and would greatly appreciate it if you could quickly fill it out.  It'll only take 2 minutes and would be a huge help.


Thanks everyone!! 


The survey can be found at





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From slagiatt - 21 Dec 2007 - 02:03

Oh my gosh - I can't believe i didn't think of online considering that's how I found everything i needed.  What sites do you guys like?

bye for now,


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From Jamie - 19 Dec 2007 - 19:57


Thanks for presenting us with the opportunity to respond to your queries, many of the questions were only accurately answered by 'Other'. This is a pity as with only a few extra categories there would have been a 'finer resolution'.


Jamie Norman

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From Adz - 19 Dec 2007 - 05:28


I've replied to the survey including my email address, and I'd be happy to go through any answers I've entered in the survey. Note that most of my answers were "other" and most of them were referencing online shopping etc.

If you want to get hold of me (or if anyone else does!) then feel free to drop me an email - bizarre_adz @



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From jimbob1965 - 19 Dec 2007 - 05:15

Hi Margaret

You will probably find that the 'other' replies are mostly from people who buy their equipment online, either through established squash/racket/general sports merchants, or via EBay.  Over recent years, all of my racket, shoes, strings, kit bag etc. purchases have been made online as you tend to find things much cheaper and can shop around so much easier and quicker.



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From slagiatt - 19 Dec 2007 - 01:21   -   Updated: 19 Dec 2007 - 01:23


Hope you're both having a great day and thank's for your feedback - i'll update the survey once i get home from the office.  I'm seeing a lot of "other" selected under where you purchase your equipment.  Any idea what other option i'm missing here?



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From mike - 18 Dec 2007 - 11:51

I think the "Why do you play squash" question should really allow multiple options to select.

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From Viper - 18 Dec 2007 - 10:51

You missed the most important reason for choosing equipment = "performance"

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Rippa, Many thanks for your reply its full of great info

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