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T Positions,Tactics and Tight Shots

Published: 29 Jun 2008 - 19:40 by Squashplayer

Updated: 16 Jul 2008 - 23:27

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Hi Everyone!I have a few questions?Please feel free to answer them,or add suggestions or Ideas.

1)What is usually the best T position on a hot or cold court?I would think on a hot court it usually slightly back and on a cold court it is slightly forward?Does T positions vary on shot selections on any type of court?

2)How do you incorporate a counter attacking game,as far as squash tactics is concerned,and what shots are called counter shots and neautral shots?

3)How do you squeeze out tight balls?I know in the back if you stuck in the corner and the ball is tight,you can adjust your grip by holding it a bit higher or choke up,but will this tactic also work in the front?I also believe that you can also hit the ball on the top strings(close to the frame),to squeeze out tight balls.

Thank you!

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From sanjay88 - 16 Jul 2008 - 23:26   -   Updated: 16 Jul 2008 - 23:27

good feet position with knees bent. gripping the racket as up as possible, and basically using a wrist (whip lash). that works for me

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From rippa rit - 01 Jul 2008 - 08:44   -   Updated: 02 Jul 2008 - 08:47

Your questions:

How do you squeeze out tight balls?

Tight shots are mostly those in either corner as well as close to the side walls.  The key is not to get too close to the ball and leave room to manouvre your racket.  Do not swing too hard at anything close to the floor, walls and corners (racket abuse!), especially if you are going to hit the wall/floor as you hit the ball. Have a very open racket and hit upwards (as there will not be as much power to carry the ball forward). Try dropping the ball, with your opposite hand, straight down the side wall, have your racket prepared, and scrape the shot off the wall and see how you go. Use an old racket to do this exercise of course.  My racket frame sort of ended up with a V shape from scraping the ball along the wall.

I know in the back if you stuck in the corner and the ball is tight,you can adjust your grip by holding it a bit higher or choke up -

this is not so much because the ball is close to the wall, but because it is locked between the two walls and you may want to drive it rather than boast the ball.

Will this tactic also work in the front?

You do not want to shorten the racket in the front corners as that will bring you closer into the corner and make getting away slower.

I also believe that you can also hit the ball on the top strings(close to the frame),to squeeze out tight balls.

Well, it is impossible to hit the ball in the middle of the racket when the ball is running along the wall. Why? Go put your racket head at right angles to the wall, and measure how far away the middle of the racket is, much further than the ball is from the wall.

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From rippa rit - 30 Jun 2008 - 08:17

Squashplayer - The key words have brought up a bit of reading listed on the tab on the lefthand column "Relevant Content".  You should get some good reading out of that.

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