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The snap of the wrist?

Published: 07 Nov 2008 - 09:18 by rippa rit

Updated: 08 Nov 2008 - 15:02

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This week at a Club, the Manager came out and said "Brett Martin gave an Exhibition match here at the weekend", I said "Oh Good, he can really use his wrist?", and I was immediately told he did not use his wrist and he used the "forearm pronation and not his wrist".  After an exchange of words, and my voice getting louder, I thought I had better shut up.

Don't get me wrong, Brett had a flare for squash, was good to watch, could pick the eye out of a needle, could manouvre his wrist into uncanny angles to hit great shots, could generate tremendous power with his wrist, his forearm, his momentum and athleticism - here is a u-tube video, Brett in the blue shirt.

Where does the snap come from?

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From rippa rit - 08 Nov 2008 - 15:02

Yep, Brett Martin does use his forearm rotation, his wrist snap, his wrist flick, and what ever else is needed to hit a decent shot.   He is unique in that respect how he can consistently do this without injury too.

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From hamburglar - 08 Nov 2008 - 02:06

your manager is correct, you get a lot more power from rotating your forearm, than by actually snapping your wrist. Snapping your wrist is also more likely to cause a wrist injury.

However, i think most of the power you see comes from a correct windup to get the racket headspeed up. Brett Martin was always reknowned for his ability to snap his shot at the last second (probably by rotating his forearm). There used to be another video of his double fake, faking a drop then snapping the ball deep with a flick of the wrist.

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