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Thierry Lincou instructional DVD

Published: 11 Mar 2009 - 01:06 by Demo

Updated: 18 Mar 2009 - 01:31

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Has anyone watched the Thierry Lincou / Julien Balbo instructional DVD?

Seems like it ships out of France only and doesn't have a good distribution network. The clips certainly look interesting:

Found this while browsing Thierry Lincou's own website.

I wish I can find this being offered elsewhere, not through personally paying the producer.


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From Demo - 18 Mar 2009 - 01:31

Hi mike,


I've sent an email a week ago to the DVD author/producer through the contact info on the website, but have yet to receive an answer. I still want to get my hands on the DVD, but my search on the internet has been fruitless. As far as I can tell, you can only purchase it through his website and/or french squash clubs that sell in their brick/mortar pro shops.

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From rippa rit - 15 Mar 2009 - 07:22   -   Updated: 15 Mar 2009 - 07:25

A few more u-tube videos which show the forehand and backhand strokes clearly.

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From mike - 14 Mar 2009 - 22:25

They do look interesting, good quality preview videos too.

Have you contacted the site to see if they have plans for online sales?

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