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Racketball - helps or hinders squash??

Published: 30 Mar 2009 - 02:37 by jimbob1965

Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 07:20

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I have noticed that a few players in my league are playing regular racketball these days.  These are some of the better players and it does not appear to effect their squash games and in fact one chap seems to be playing even better these days.  These players also comment about what a good workout racketball is with the longer rallies.  My question therefore is, is it something to consider to help develop my squash game, or should I avoid it as there are different techniques and tactics involved so it could confuse my squash game?



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From rippa rit - 30 Mar 2009 - 07:10   -   Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 07:20

Jim I would give racketball a try and see how it goes.  Some people seem to adjust from one racket sport to the other very well.  I found tennis put my squash off a bit when I was trying to be a really "top" player, but unless you have aspirations of representing England I don't think it is worth worrying about if you enjoy both sports.  Heather McKay was the racketball champ when she lived in Canada and was still able to win any other squash championships she entered. Heather's swing seemed to develop a bit of a snap when she came back from Canada and I think racketball probably started that off.

I know top tennis players played squash just for the fitness and quick volley reflex, so what they might have lost in one area they gained in another.

My advice woul be to play racketball, and then the next time you play squash,  take your time in the hitup and get your rhythm going before going for anything too fine.

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